
How to make Hario v60 coffee at home

Hario v60

Hario v60 coffee brewing is easy to learn, but there are many variations that baristas use. We give you the recipe for 2 cups of Hario v60 coffee, which you can prepare at home. This recipe is most often used by baristas at your favorite coffee shop.

Since we at Mariposa are ecologically oriented, we suggest that you do not throw away the remaining water with which you rinse the filter at the beginning, but pour it into another container and cool it down and water plants such as indoor flowers or the garden with it. Also, do not throw the used filter with coffee grounds in the trash. It is great for compost, because bacteria love paper and coffee. This will make a great fertilizer for your plants, whether in the garden or for your potted plants. Just be careful not to use too much compost so as not to change the pH of the soil. Let it age as much as possible, at least a year.

To make Hario v60 coffee you need:

Follow the process to prepare Hario v60

Use ratio: 1:15
A coarse coffee grind means that if 1 is the finest grind and 11 is the coarsest your grinder can achieve, grind the coffee to a thickness of around 7.

Place the dropper jug on the scale.

In the v60 dropper, insert the filter paper and place it on the jug. Rinse the paper 5 times with hot water and pour it into another container. By rinsing, you get rid of the taste of paper, and in addition, the dripper and mug are preheated so that the coffee does not cool down immediately.

Coarsely grind 20 g of coffee, or use already ground coffee and put it in the filter, in the middle of the cone. Gently tap the dripper to level the coffee so that its surface is as flat as possible, as this is important for pouring water.

Making coffee step by step Hario v60

Press start on the timer. Gently pour in 50 g of water that has almost boiled. The water should be hot around 93 °C. If you don't have a temperature controlled water heater, just let the boiled water sit for a minute or two and you'll be close to that temperature. Pour the water in a circular motion from the outside of the filter towards the center, slowly and with feeling.

Gently rotate or stir the cone to make sure all the coffee is wet and wait 30 seconds. If you have done this successfully, you will see no bubbles or very few bubbles in the coffee/water mixture. This first wait is called blooming and is for the gasses trapped in the coffee to blow out.

Adding water

Then gently pour in more water until you have added a total of 250ml. Pour in a circular motion. Pour each new batch of water gently, trying not to over-stir the coffee grounds in the filter.

When the topping is complete, stir gently again. Stirring will help ensure that all the coffee is soaked evenly.

Wait for the coffee to drip completely from the filter into the mug. The coffee grounds in the cone should be fairly flat when the process is complete.

Then swirl the mug or mug and enjoy! Swirling helps mix and aerate the coffee.

Time to make coffee

The total cooking time should be between 2'45" and 3'20" and the time may vary a little up or down.

You can scale this recipe up to multiple cups by keeping the same ratio of coffee to water in each step.

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