Coffee brewing is passed down from generation to generation and young people learn from their elders how to brew coffee. However, this is not enough, young people want to brew good coffee and no longer want to drink bitter black broth. They used to think that such coffee was the best and only possible. Because they did not know how to roast coffee and…
Coffee is a drink that has accompanied most of us since childhood. Maybe not exactly the taste of coffee, but its smell. Do you know what coffee is and how it is made? The journey of the coffee bean is long. Some may be surprised to learn that coffee is a fruit that comes from the coffee tree. The coffee bean has its own journey…
Latte art je super metoda priprave espresso kave, s katero lahko razveselite ljudi, ko jim postrežete s kavo doma, v pisarni ali v baru. Kdo še ni srečal teh čudovitih vzorcev na kavi v obliki srca, cvetlice, laboda in drugih simbolov? latte art kavo lahko pripravi vsak, ki zagotovi določene…